Fungal infections are common throughout much of the natural world. In humans, fungal infections occur when an invading fungus takes over an area of the body and is too much for the immune system to handle.
Fungi can live in the air, soil, water, and plants. There are also some fungi that live naturally in the human body.
Like many microbes, there are helpful fungi and harmful fungi. When harmful fungi invade the body, they can be difficult to kill, as they can survive in the environment and re-infect the person trying to get better.
Candida skin infections can occur on almost any area of the body, but they are more commonly found in intertriginous regions. This is where two skin areas touch or rub together. Such areas include the armpits, groin, and skin folds, as well as the area between your fingers and toes. The fungus thrives in warm, moist, and sweaty conditions.
Normally, your skin acts as an effective barrier against infection. However, any cuts or breakdown in the superficial layers of the skin may allow the fungus to cause infection. Candida becomes pathogenic, or capable of causing disease, when conditions are favorable for it to multiply. Hot and humid weather, poor hygiene, or restrictive clothing may produce these conditions.
If your infection is not responding to home remedies, you will have to seek medical help for a stronger anti-microbial medicine. These home remedies are powerful and come with a price tag that won’t break the bank. Try any or a combination of these treatments at home on your fungal infection.
Apple Cider Vinegar
ACV is another hard hitting contender in the game of killing fungal infections due to its antimicrobial properties. Additionally, the slightly acidic environment it will create will help prevent the spread of infection.
Plain Yogurt
For treating a fungal infection, you can use plain, unsweetened yogurt with live, active cultures. The probiotics present in plain yogurt can keep the growth of fungi in check by producing lactic acid.
Cranberry Juice
Cranberry is excellent for treating fungal growth within the digestive and urinary tract.
The tannin’s present in green and black teas are excellent for killing fungi. Plus, it can help soothe symptoms associated with fungal infection such as swelling, burning, and irritation. Soak tea bags in warm water for ten minutes. Remove, and place them in the refrigerator to chill. Then, place chilled tea bags on the affected area.
Garlic is a useful antifungal agent and hence very effective for any type of fungal infection. It also has antibacterial and antibiotic properties that play a key role in the recovery process.
Corn Meal
One of the more interesting remedies for toenail fungus is organic cornmeal. Corn naturally hosts a form of fungus that is harmless to the human body but deadly to Candida – the most common fungal parasite that causes infections in people. In a container big enough to fit your foot (or both feet if needed), mix one cup of cornmeal and about two quarts of water. Allow the cornmeal to soak in the water for at least one hour then submerge the infected foot (or feet) in the mixture for a half hour or more. While the frequency of use for this remedy is up for debate, sources have reported success with treatment performed as seldom as once per week. Others say to perform it daily. Because cornmeal is totally harmless to skin and nails, realistically the treatment can be repeated as often as you like.
An imbalance of healthy micro-flora in the body can also be a big cause of fungal overgrowth like onychomycosis. Be sure to partner a good pro-biotic supplement with your toenail fungus remedy. Thriving, healthy gut bacteria hinder the growth and spread of parasitic fungi and other microbes by limiting their available living space. Also, lactobacillus bacteria found in most probiotic supplements actually secrete a biproduct that is poisonous to Candida. Just make sure that your supplement contains no sugar or artificial fillers that may inadvertently feed the unwanted fungus.